Give Me Some Space [00:13:05] - PG
Benjamin Stutzman
Term: 2145
Documentary Workshop
The size of the universe, and possibility of alien life existing, explained.
Dear You [00:02:17] - G
Emily Scialabba
Term: 2145
Production II
Life is good.
Empathy [00:05:01] - PG-13
Jenna Roscoe
Term: 2145
Production II
An empath is overwhelmed by all the emotions around her.
Tipless [00:04:20] - R
Emma Firulli
Term: 2145
Production II
Being a waiter is difficult.
Big Ideas [00:02:21] - PG-13
William Fournier
Term: 2145
Ani Prod Wkshp I
Stories are hard
Snooze [00:12:55] - PG-13
Reinaldo Gentile-rondon
Term: 2145
Fiction Workshop
A depressed young man tries to find someone to live for.
TALK [00:05:43] - PG
Matthew Rojas
Term: 2145
Production II
Two men are taken captive and forced to discuss areas of controversy.
Unleavened [00:12:17] - PG-13
Tyler Szuch
Term: 2145
Production II
A disillusioned priest comes face to face with a mysterious tormentor.
A Day at Granny's [00:10:00] - PG-13
Emmanuel Roldan
Term: 2145
Production II
Jimmy, a naive young man, is convinced that he must kill his grandmother.
Genesis [00:04:57] - G
Holly Mcmahon
Term: 2145
Radical Cinema Workshop
The cosmos.
To My Mother [00:04:17] - PG
Austin Quinlan
Term: 2145
Radical Cinema Workshop
She taught me how to bake.
Decay [00:03:28] - G
Christian Jarboe
Term: 2145
Radical Cinema Workshop
A look into the Forest Haven children's developmental center that was abandoned in 1991.
Meatfist the Conqueror [00:02:07] - PG-13
Nicholas Zweig
Term: 2145
Ani Prod Wkshp I
Can one man with meaty fists save the kingdom?
STOP! [00:03:05] - PG-13
Ryan Federman
Term: 2145
Ani Prod Wkshp I
A good argument for artificial intelligence in our traffic lights.
Expand Your Mind [00:12:06] - PG
Alexis Cruz
Term: 2145
Documentary Workshop
Fight the stigma.
Boogie Night [00:05:43] - PG-13
Michael Abbott
Term: 2145
Production II
Three friends, one time machine, and a lot of hippies
Plink [00:05:50] - G
James Abrams
Term: 2145
Production II
Prokofiev is giving me a headache.
For the Love of Music [00:18:01] - PG
Nathaniel Silverman
Term: 2145
Documentary Workshop
John Denver stole my act!
Elephantom [00:05:59] - PG
Brenna Coleman
Term: 2145
Senior Thesis II
I made a movie.
oneness [00:12:14] - PG
Kaela Mangiaracina
Term: 2145
Senior Thesis II
We've all had our own identity crisis.
Final Frontier [00:05:10] - PG
Brian Martone
Term: 2145
Senior Thesis II
Fast and Safe Lunar Burials
Welcome Home [00:04:35] - PG-13
Jonathan Mc coy
Term: 2145
Senior Thesis II
Dadception. Dadtrayal. Dadfinity. Spooky ghost.
Super DD [00:19:55] - R
Brook Kallstrom
Term: 2145
Senior Thesis II
Warning: These Tits are Super
Jack and the Giant [00:06:33] - G
Cara Klein
Term: 2145
Senior Thesis II
A parody of Jack and the Beanstalk
Tamaraw [00:04:43] - PG
Miguel Mirasol
Term: 2145
Senior Thesis II
A boy will do anything to protect his sister.
Untitled [00:05:29] - G
Robert Daniels
Term: 2145
Senior Thesis II
Light in Motion
Untitled Piece 22 [00:04:50] - PG
Katelyn Wilkerson
Term: 2145
Senior Thesis II
Toothdoll [00:05:09] - PG
Xiaodong Han
Term: 2145
Research and Thesis II
The first time change a tooth.
Baile de los Muertos [00:04:00] - PG
Cameron Kwan
Term: 2145
Senior Thesis II
"Hay mas tiempo que vida." - There is more time than life.
Journey's Peak [00:06:10] - G
Kathleen Kirkman
Term: 2145
Senior Thesis II
Adventure is out there!
Moon Eyes [00:00:49] - PG
Whitney Walters
Term: 2145
30 Second Film
A wolf couple has a dinner date.
Bonus Meeting [00:00:57] - G
Hao Shen
Term: 2145
30 Second Film
two idiot guys fighting with bonus.
Organ Party [00:00:57] - PG-13
Biying Xu
Term: 2145
30 Second Film
An animation about Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Dance Fright [00:04:53] - PG
Nicolas Tiezzi
Term: 2145
Production II
A boy overcomes his fear of being judged for doing something he loves
The Internet is my Best Friend [00:10:35] - PG-13
Meghan Boilard
Term: 2145
Radical Cinema Workshop
A series of short films concerning the way in which we act when given a venue to freely express ourselves
Frame of Reference [00:03:15] - G
Naomi Shwom
Term: 2145
Senior Thesis II
This movie is definitely not Drake.
Alley Cat [00:01:27] - G
Emily Creasy
Term: 2145
Ani Prod Wkshp I
An alley cat chases a mouse through the back streets and sewers of New York in a jazzy chase.
Lindsey and Claire [00:06:49] - R
Lane Mcfaddin
Term: 2145
Production II
Not your girlfriend's RomCom
The Photograph [00:05:04] - PG
Emily Faw
Term: 2145
Production II
A young photographer searches for beauty in his work.