Virtual Assistant [00:03:31] - PG
Peyton Monroe
Term: 2211
Ani Prod Wkshp II
A computer mouse gets a strange email
Tag [00:02:53] - PG
Seth Robinson
Term: 2211
Production 1
A chase revealed as a game of tag in the end.
Angler [00:04:18] - PG-13
Corrigan Owen
Term: 2211
Ani Prod Wkshp II
A stranded astronaut receives a transmission for rescue, and must take a leap of faith.
After Hours [00:03:55] - PG
Pavel Kozulya
Term: 2211
Ani Prod Wkshp II
After what seemed to be a normal day at work, a man finds himself fending off creatures from another planet that take the form of a popular children's toy.
Serpentine Petrol Product Reel No. 7 "Skin Cream" [00:03:02] - PG-13
Edward Bazzett
Term: 2211
Ani Prod Wkshp II
A snake oil salesman with the latest in beauty products: A skin cream that melts away your skin.
Modern Diplomacy [00:03:10] - R
Kaelyn Gagnon
Term: 2211
Ani Prod Wkshp II
Clear communication is important in any serious conversation.
Losing Bigfoot [00:03:04] - PG-13
Evan Ziegler
Term: 2211
Ani Prod Wkshp II
An Explorer has been trying to get evidence of Bigfoot for years but, recently it's gotten personal
Winner [00:04:24] - G
Yizhang Liu
Term: 2211
Research and Thesis II
A man who wants to profit from a robot he invented finally paid for his selfishness.
Unviable Humanoid [00:02:26] - R
Riley Zusi
Term: 2211
Radical Cinema Workshop
The different stages in the development of human-making.
I Present to You Three Neccecities for Life [00:02:00] - PG
Isaac Salem
Term: 2211
Radical Cinema Workshop
A man goes through three experiences being isolated, wet, and alone.
Tell Me About Ur Dad [00:08:46] - PG-13
Chase Bennett
Term: 2211
Documentary Workshop
Strangers talking about their dad with another stranger.
Luminous [00:02:19] - G
Meaghan Priestley
Term: 2211
Ani Prod Wkshp II
An examination of the life in a coral reef
Limbo [00:16:18] - PG-13
Joseph Harris
Term: 2211
Production Capstone I
Drama/Comedy where an uninvolved father is unwillingly dragged around by his son after his own death.
Polychromasia [00:02:00] - PG
Madeline Evans
Term: 2211
Production 1 (SOFA 101)
Insecure man wants to have a secure sense of self, but is hindered by a manipulative woman-whom he has become dependent on-as she feeds off of him either to his death or until he truly finds himself.
Dial Tone [00:02:00] - PG-13
Amy Avolio
Term: 2211
Production 1 (SOFA 101.02)
A girl goes for a walk in the forest amid strange happenings.
Finishing the Birdhouse [00:02:00] - PG
Jacob French
Term: 2211
Production I (SOFA-101)
A widow tries to cope with the death of her husband.
Cold Feet [00:02:00] - G
Jasmine Weaver
Term: 2211
Production (SOFA-101-02)
A proposal gone wrong leads to a run through the park.
Mental Channel Surfing [00:02:00] - PG-13
Knight Connors
Term: 2211
Radical Cinema Workshop
A rare look into the neurodivergent mind
The Three Faces of Mimi [00:02:00] - PG
Adrian Alvarez
Term: 2211
Production I
Everyone has three faces they show to different people; these are Mimi's
Echos of the Past [00:02:00] - PG-13
Alex Rosenberg
Term: 2211
Production 1 (SOFA-101)
June is confronted with a literal manifestation of her guilt as she attends her deceased friends memorial
Rolling Home [00:02:00] - G
Nicholas Amico
Term: 2211
Production [SOFA 101]
A ball's journey home after being lost in the woods
Stalkings for Christmas [00:02:00] -
Valeria Henao
Term: 2211

50 Shades of Blood [00:02:00] - PG-13
Tom Catalano
Term: 2211
Production 101
A group of party goers find themselves in a horrific murder mystery.
Jackie Crawford [00:02:00] - PG-13
Andrew Ragan
Term: 2211
Fiction Workshop
A local burglar for hire meets the girl of his dreams.