Out With The Old [ 00:02:33 ]


Lydia Sayers | April 30th, 2023
Approximate Rating: PG
Screenings 2225 - World viewable

Logline: An unlikely friendship between two robots helps an inventor remember his past.
When a small, outdated robot sneaks its way into a vibrant party hosted by a famous inventor, it meets his latest creation, the building's AI system, who become fast friends. The small robot recognizes the inventor, who doesn't recognize it. When the inventor goes to throw the dirty robot away, he realizes that his logo was drawn on the robot years ago, and that it was his first invention. Remembering the companionship the robot gave him, he brought it back to stay with the lonely AI.


  • Lydia Sayers - Animator
  • Lydia Sayers - Sound Mixer

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