Mom I Can't Go to School Today [ 00:02:49 ]

Alana George | May 7th, 2024
Approximate Rating: PG
Screenings 2235 - World viewable

Logline: A kid makes bigger and bigger excuses to his mom as to why he can't go in to school today.
A 2D digital and crayon animated film telling the story of a kid who keeps on making bigger and bigger fibs to his mom as to why he can't go in to school today. And the story of a mom who is able to reach through to her son to get him to admit something is wrong.


  • Alana George - Animator
  • Olivia Aguila - Coloring Assistant
  • Ell Papandrea - Sound Mixer
  • Noah Flanders - Composer
  • Ashlyn Kreiss - Voice Actor

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