Bond Fire [ 00:00:57 ]

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Ethan Oakes | May 7th, 2024
Approximate Rating: PG
Screenings 2235 - World viewable

Logline: A social hermit's struggle to start a fire leads to an unsettling encounter.
Alone in a blizzard, a young man's survival hinges on his ability to spark a fire, but thoughts of his past eat away at his concentration with each passing moment. As if things can't get any worse, he soon discovers he isn't alone after all...


  • Ethan Oakes - Animator
  • Ethan Oakes - Voice Actor
  • Ren Norris - Voice Actor
  • Amandeep Singh - Voice Actor
  • Peter Murphey - Faculty Advisor
  • 30 Second Film Class of Spring 2024 - Special Thanks

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