Apartmentalized (Proof of Concept) [ 00:06:35 ]

Emily Scialabba | May 7th, 2018
Approximate Rating: PG-13
Screenings 2175 - World viewable

Logline: A ten-page bit of a sixty page script. If you want to read the whole thing, it'll be on my website. emilyscialabba.com
I wrote a sixty-page pilot. This is ten minutes of it. The script is different even after I shot this. It's technically a craft-track I suppose, but not quite considering I am showing you a video? Look, I will be telling you the plot of this series anyway so long as you show up to screenings. If you don't, then I'm sure I'll put it on my website: emilyscialabba.com


  • Emily Scialabba - Screenwriter
  • Nicholas Love - Sound Mixer
  • Abigail Nurse - Sound Designer
  • Matthew Rojas - Sound Designer
  • Olivia Mettelus - Director of Photography
  • Molly Hill - Color Correction
  • Vannah Swint - Producer
  • Joshua Jerema - Editor
  • Emily Scialabba - Editor

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