April's Twilight [ 00:04:32 ]

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Jack Valtin | December 11th, 2018
Approximate Rating: PG
Screenings 2181 - World viewable

Logline: After a recent diagnosis of breast cancer, April is pushed to pick up her idle screenwriting career, but must face her past failures in order to succeed one last time.
April Campos used to be a critically acclaimed screenwriter, earning many awards for her work. However, the quality of her work decreased over time because of a diagnosis of breast cancer, resulting in her becoming obsolete. With the cancer now reaching terminal stages and giving her no more than two years to live, the grim outlook makes April second guess her choices in life, and she decides to give screenwriting one last shot. But when she starts, she is bombarded with the same creative struggles she faced years before. She is ridden with doubt in her abilities and fighting her illness, but she continues to write. Despite her struggles against herself and the doubts of others, she manages to finish writing a new script, proving to herself that she is strong enough to overcome her demons.


  • Olivia Carson - Screenwriter
  • Jack Valtin - Editor
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