Alana Wherry
Sleight of Hand
[00:04:46] - G
Alana Wherry
Term: 2225
Animation Capstone II
A cynical man watches in awe as a magician performs his tricks on stage.
Alana Wherry
Term: 2225
Animation Capstone II
A cynical man watches in awe as a magician performs his tricks on stage.
Damage Control
[00:02:11] - G
Alana Wherry
Term: 2205
Ani Prod Wkshp I
An assistant frets over an unstoppable fight between his boss, a sorcerer and his colleague, a swords-woman.
Alana Wherry
Term: 2205
Ani Prod Wkshp I
An assistant frets over an unstoppable fight between his boss, a sorcerer and his colleague, a swords-woman.