Jenni Margis
[00:02:43] - PG-13
Jenni Margis
Term: 2225
Animation Capstone II
A girl who struggles with self acceptance
Jenni Margis
Term: 2225
Animation Capstone II
A girl who struggles with self acceptance
The Golden Years
[00:02:36] - G
Jennifer Margis
Term: 2205
Ani Prod Wkshp I
An old cat ends up in a shelter.
Jennifer Margis
Term: 2205
Ani Prod Wkshp I
An old cat ends up in a shelter.
[00:03:59] - PG
Jenni chen Margis
Term: 2161
Production I
Hiding our true selves to be accepted.
Jenni chen Margis
Term: 2161
Production I
Hiding our true selves to be accepted.