Tayton Troidl
[00:13:20] - PG
Tayton t, Troidl
Term: 2205
Fiction Workshop
Broken Wing is a short drama piece that explores a couple breaking up backwards.
Tayton t, Troidl
Term: 2205
Fiction Workshop
Broken Wing is a short drama piece that explores a couple breaking up backwards.
[00:04:04] - G
Class Reel
Term: 2195
Radical Cinema Workshop
You are not alone. Stay Strong. We're in this Together.
Class Reel
Term: 2195
Radical Cinema Workshop
You are not alone. Stay Strong. We're in this Together.
The Collector
[00:04:04] - PG-13
Tayton Troidl
Term: 2191
SOFA 206 02 Directing
A spiteful android collector brings back his clients most priced possession, with a few tweaks.
Tayton Troidl
Term: 2191
SOFA 206 02 Directing
A spiteful android collector brings back his clients most priced possession, with a few tweaks.
Clippy! Order Now!!!
[00:01:57] - G
Tayton Troidl
Term: 2181
Production 1
People can not stop buying our clips!
Tayton Troidl
Term: 2181
Production 1
People can not stop buying our clips!