P2 Class Reel [00:10:49] - PG-13
Class Reel
Term: 2241
Production Processes
Class Reel for Production Processes
Advanced Cinematography 1 Class Reel [00:12:40] - PG
Class Reel
Term: 2241
Advanced Cinematography I
Class Reel for Advanced Cinematography 1.
Man in mirror [00:01:45] - PG
Annan Su
Term: 2241
Animation Workshop
Short horror films about mirror
The Great Mother [00:07:54] - G
Rolanda Spencer
Term: 2241
Radical Cinema Workshop
Celebrates the life-giving and magical force of diasporic femininity
Blood Contract [00:09:22] - R
Edward Siechen
Term: 2241
Fiction Workshop
A veteran bountry hunter is shocked to learn his next target is his son
Stage Fright [00:04:05] - PG
Kate Zaia
Term: 2241
A violinist entered in a talent show anxiously awaits her performance, but the reality of her situation might be a little different than she suspects.